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re:ceeve Blog


Keep up to date with the latest fintech, AI, automation, and
debt collection trends of tomorrow.



It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking about your customers as one solid group. In a macro sense, they are—after all, they all purchase goods or services from you. However, that’s essentially...

2.5 quintillion bytes of data is created each and every day. However, data on its own is of little use—the real magic happens when you turn raw data into tangible assets that add value to your...

All companies—no matter their industry, size, or location—have one ultimate goal in mind at all times: improvement. It’s only natural for companies to want to get better at what they do. Perhaps you...

Debt collection is far from a new concept. As such, it’s safe to assume that debt collections best practices are well-established and highly effective. Right? Wrong!

Business automation gets a bad rap. Type the word “Automation” into Google and the search engine spits out this example: ”unemployment due to the spread of automation.” Robots are nevertheless...

“Software is capable of delivering extensive gains before you need to even consider debt collection agents!”